Things to do to prevent wrinkles

Although wrinkles are a natural occurrence of aging, they don't have to written in stone. There are thing you can do to prevent them or at least reduce. Fighting wrinkles while you're still young will give your skin a better chance when your old. Here are the things you can do to prevent it.
  • Wash the makeup off your face every night before going to sleep. As you grow older, the pores on your face enlarge and makeup can get stuck in them, which can cause wrinkles. You should also cleanse your face twice daily and follow with a moisturizer to keep your skin soft..
  • Drink plenty of water. The human body requires 8 glasses of water daily to keep itself hydrated. The more moisture your body holds, the healthier and softer your skin will be. When you don't drink enough water, your skin can become dry. This makes it easier for wrinkles to surface.
  • Stop smoking cigarettes. When a person smokes, her mouth purses when inhaling. This action can cause wrinkles all by itself. Combine it with cigarette smoke, which depletes the oxygen in your skin, and you have a bigger chance of wrinkles. Limiting your alcohol intake will also help in preventing wrinkles.
  • Wear sunblock whenever you go outside. The sun is a major culprit in causing wrinkles and damaging skin by harming fibrous proteins that help to keep skin firm and strong. Wearing long sleeves and hats will help to prevent wrinkles and keep any you already have from progressing. You should also stay away from tanning beds.
  • Eat healthy food. Foods like beans; green, leafy vegetables; oily fish; spinach; berries; almonds; citrus fruits, and apricots are rich in vitamins A, E and C, Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
  • Get 20 to 30 minutes of exercise every day to improve circulation, which is good for your organs. Skin is the biggest organ of the body and benefits the most from exercising. You also need to get plenty of sleep each night; that's when your skin repairs itself. Try sleeping on your back so your face isn't pressed into the pillows, which can also cause wrinkles.
Source: ehow
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