How to get Big and Beautiful Lashes

Do you want to have a beautiful lashes here are some tips.

"Use that 30-second window before your mascara dries to work the wand," says Sarah LuceroStila pro makeup artist. Start with curled lashes and two coats of mascara, then try one of these tricks.
1. Elongate your center lashes. Use the tip of your brush to stretch the middle lashes upward.
2. Next, define the bottom lash line and then emphasize the center lashes with the tip of your brush.

To Look Well Rested

Carefully coat your baby lashes (the tiny inside-corner hairs). "It brightens the whites of your eyes," says Lucero. You need very little mascara, so clean off the tip of the wand first.

To Get an Instant Eye Lift

Add an extra coat of mascara to the outermost lashes and hold the brush for a few seconds to set.
Source: lhj
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Mediterranean diet over low fat

Scientists say, you can have your wine and eat the nuts that go with it, and be healthier in the bargain. A rigorous new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine should finally put to rest any doubts about whether a Mediterranean diet -- rich in olive oil or nuts as well as fish, with a glass of wine per day also allowed -- promotes better cardiovascular health than the way most of us eat. It does.
That might not be surprising, but up to now, advice on the Mediterranean diet has been based on correlation: People in Mediterranean areas that tend to follow that way of eating experienced lower incidence of stroke and other cardiovascular problems. Could the difference have been genetic? Could people who ate that way also be doing other things that made the crucial difference? The new study, conducted in Spain, randomly assigned a large number of subjects to different eating styles, made sure they were following it and measured results -- not lab-test results but illness and death.
But what about the long-standing battle between those who believe that a very low-fat diet is the best way to fend off cardiac risk, and those who espouse a way of eating much higher in the so-called good fats? Should all of the people carefully counting their daily fat grams give up the effort and take a spoonful of medicine in the form of olive oil? (Or, as the study had it, four tablespoons a day -- close to 500 calories of fat before you've eaten a solid thing.) Here the situation is much more complicated.
The study meant to compare the two. The control group was supposed to eat a low-fat diet. The problem, as reported in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journalwas that those people barely reduced their fat intake, even after receiving additional coaching. That's why the article words things this way:
"We designed a randomized trial to test the efficacy of two Mediterranean diets (one supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and another with nuts), as compared with a control diet (advice on a low-fat diet), on primary cardiovascular prevention."
The researchers could have made that clearer at the get-go: Receiving advice on a diet isn't the same as eating that way most days. So the actual comparison was between a Mediterranean diet and the standard way of eating among Spaniards (who apparently, in many ways, are not following a Mediterranean diet no matter what their geographical location happens to be).
What this study may have shown us about the difference between Mediterranean and low fat is that the former is easier to follow. There were no big problems getting subjects to ingest olive oil, wine and seafood. Low fat? Not so much.
The believers in low-fat diets could legitimately argue that the control group received too little coaching and support for their way of eating. But there's also a reality that has to be taken into account. No matter what future research shows about the value of a low-fat or very low-fat diet, when it comes to improving public health, we might need not just a healthier diet but one that large numbers of people will find sustainable over a lifetime.
Source: latimes

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Simple Daily Skin Care

Protecting our skin from further damage is of utmost importance. Here are some simple tips to protect our skin.

Our skin needs time and care for it to regenerate and leave behind the old and tired. Without this, improving our skin condition and color is an absolute impossibility. This is why we need to ensure the below basics to make time for the skin to heal itself.

Source: stylecraze

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Things to do to prevent wrinkles

Although wrinkles are a natural occurrence of aging, they don't have to written in stone. There are thing you can do to prevent them or at least reduce. Fighting wrinkles while you're still young will give your skin a better chance when your old. Here are the things you can do to prevent it.
  • Wash the makeup off your face every night before going to sleep. As you grow older, the pores on your face enlarge and makeup can get stuck in them, which can cause wrinkles. You should also cleanse your face twice daily and follow with a moisturizer to keep your skin soft..
  • Drink plenty of water. The human body requires 8 glasses of water daily to keep itself hydrated. The more moisture your body holds, the healthier and softer your skin will be. When you don't drink enough water, your skin can become dry. This makes it easier for wrinkles to surface.
  • Stop smoking cigarettes. When a person smokes, her mouth purses when inhaling. This action can cause wrinkles all by itself. Combine it with cigarette smoke, which depletes the oxygen in your skin, and you have a bigger chance of wrinkles. Limiting your alcohol intake will also help in preventing wrinkles.
  • Wear sunblock whenever you go outside. The sun is a major culprit in causing wrinkles and damaging skin by harming fibrous proteins that help to keep skin firm and strong. Wearing long sleeves and hats will help to prevent wrinkles and keep any you already have from progressing. You should also stay away from tanning beds.
  • Eat healthy food. Foods like beans; green, leafy vegetables; oily fish; spinach; berries; almonds; citrus fruits, and apricots are rich in vitamins A, E and C, Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
  • Get 20 to 30 minutes of exercise every day to improve circulation, which is good for your organs. Skin is the biggest organ of the body and benefits the most from exercising. You also need to get plenty of sleep each night; that's when your skin repairs itself. Try sleeping on your back so your face isn't pressed into the pillows, which can also cause wrinkles.
Source: ehow
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Home Remidies To Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is one of those words that becomes instantly contagious. Once one woman in the room complains about her thighs, it's just a matter of time before another chimes in about her rear end. Whether or not any of these ladies' complaints have merit (and, according to this study, they usually do), dimpling of the skin is a huge source of insecurity for women of all sizes.
The participant was told to take seaweed baths twice a week for 20 minutes. Although her skin seemed a bit tighter directly after soaking and decreased the appearance of her cellulite, results were short lived. As soon as her body cooled down and her skin softened, her cellulite reappeared like normal.
Result: Temporarily reduces cellulite. 

The participant was told to mix coffee grounds with hot water in the shower and scrub for 10 minutes twice a week. Coffee increases circulation (and therefore, helps reduce the appearance of cellulite), and the participant reported that it was fairly easy to apply the scrub. She even noted that it had a refreshing smell. After 4 weeks of the coffee scrub, she noticed that her skin was firmer and smoother.
Result: Pure coffee scrubs are an effective cellulite treatment. 
The participant was told to create a scrub using cocoa butter, raw cane sugar and coffee grounds. She recommends performing the scrub in the bathtub or another area that can easily be cleaned up afterwards, since it is a messy treatment. After scrubbing her skin for 10 minutes, there was an immediate reduction in the look of the skin, and it was much less dimpled. The effect lasted a day or so.
Result: This moisturizing scrub is a temporary but messy cellulite treatment. 
The participant was told to rub honey on the affected area. According to the participant, the first two attempts felt like a trip to the waxer -- she put too thin of a layer on and each attempt to rub the honey into my dimpled flesh resulted in hair-pulling agony. Even with an ample squeeze from the teddy bear container, it was a bother and added an arbitrary extra step to her morning routine, with little to show for other than a sticky toilet seat and really nice smelling thighs.
Result: Did not reduce cellulite and is potentially painful. 
The participant was instructed to create a scrub using epsom salt and eucalyptus oil. After the first few uses, she noticed an exfoliating and moisturizing effect on her skin. Despite the softening of the affected area, the cellulite remained intact.
Result: Did not reduce cellulite but effectively exfoliated and moisturized. 
The participant was instructed to combine apple cider vinegar and juniper oil and apply the combination to the affected area for 20 minutes several times a week. She found the best way to get the concoction on was by using paper towels. According to the participant, the smell was overwhelmingly awful and she had to stand to avoid transferring it to any fabrics. She did feel some tingling on the skin where it was applied and noticed a resulting smoothness, but no change to the cellulite.
Result: Did not reduce cellulite and had a potent stench. 
The participant was instructed to massage the affected area in a hot bath twice a week. After the 30-day trial, the treatment helped the cellulite area feel smoother and less bumpy. She noticed that the upper thigh was slightly less uneven to the touch and felt as smooth as the rest of her leg.
Result: Minimally reduces the appearance cellulite. 
The participant was instructed to combine lemon juice and cayenne pepper in water and drink the mixture 3 times daily. After the 30-day trial, she reported a significant firming of the affected area. Although she's not sure if her results are due to the placebo effect, she felt that the cayenne pepper cocktail made her feel better overall.
Result: Effectively reduce cellulite. 
The participant was instructed to soak the affected area in baby oil and use a hand vacuum to smooth the area. Although at times she reported seeing a slight difference directly after the procedure, she sometimes felt that it actually made the cellulite worse.
Result: Did not reduce cellulite and may even make it worse. 
The participant was instructed to make a scrub using corn oil, grapefruit juice, and dried thyme. After massaging this into the affected areas for 30 days, she felt that it was a very messy procedure with little to no results other than softer skin.
Result: Did not effectively reduce cellulite but resulted in softer skin. 
The participant was instructed to combine about juniper oil with olive oil and massage into the affected area daily. The first week, she didn't notice a very big change. Her skin looked about the same, but was definitely much smoother! By the fourth week, she really began to see the most visible change. The smaller cellulite dimples had faded, and she could also see it beginning to have an affect on the overalllook of her thighs. Result: Effectively reduced cellulite and resulted in softer, firmer skin. 
The participant was instructed to rub coconut oil on the affected area and then use a dry brush to massage and smooth the cellulite. She reported that the treatment left the skin feeling sensitive and chaffed. Despite the sensitivity, she noticed a significant reduction in cellulite after the 30-day trial.
Result: This is the most effective way to get rid of cellulite. 
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5 Vitamins for Beautiful Skin

In nourishing your skin you need to start inside. Your diligent about fruits , vegies and multis but your skin care routine is still missing vitamins. A well-balanced diet is important but the fact is the body only delivers a certain percentage of vitamins to your skin, no matter how much you ingest.
Applying vitamins topically to deliver maximum anti-aging benefits everything from improving texture and tone to fading under-eye circle.
Vitamin A can reduce wrinkles , fade brown spots and smooth roughness.
Vitamin B3 can increase production of ceramides and fatty acids , two key components of your skin's outer protective barrier. As that barrier is strengthened , skin is better able to keep moisture in and irritants out specially if your complexion is dry or sensitive.
Vitamin C can mop up the free radicals that trigger wrinkling , sagging and other aging changer and it can also helps smooth and firm skin and fade brown spots.
Vitamin E can quell dryness by helping skin retain it's natural moisturizers and also has potent ability to nuetralize damaging free radicals has earned it the moniker “the protector”.
Vitamin K is possbly help lighten under-eye circles. Fragile capillaries that allow blood to leak into the skin are considered one cause of under-eye circles, and vitamin K(phytonadione) may put the skins on this seepage by controlling blood clotting.
Source: Prevention
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List of Acne Treatments

Benzoyl peroxide is used to kill the bacteria that contribute to acne. Benzoyl peroxide comes in different concentrations, but benzoyl peroxide with a 2.5% concentration is just as effective as 5-10% solutions, and it's less irritating to the skin to boot. Benzoyl peroxide also helps peel away layers of dead skin, leaving brighter, more rejuvenated skin in its place.

Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid kills bacteria responsible for pimple growth. It also causes skin cells to shed more rapidly, promoting the growth of new skin. Put small amounts of salicylic acid onto affected areas before you go asleep, after you have washed your face.

Toothpaste contains silica, which is the drying agent you find in bags of beef jerky, among other things. Basically, toothpaste will dry out your pimple overnight, reducing it in size.
  • Make sure to use natural toothpaste when you dab it onto your skin. Some toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate can irritate the skin. Watch out for it before applying.

Tea tree oil is an antibacterial essential oil that can blast the microbes that have started to make a home inside of your pores. With a dropper, dab a Q-Tip with a bit of tea tree oil and apply to pimples as needed, being careful not to put on too much.
  • Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can make the redness and size of the pimple less noticeable.
Crush up an aspirin tablet and add just enough water to make it into a paste. With a Q-Tip, add the aspirin paste to the pimple(s) lightly, covering entirely. Let dry. Aspirin is another anti-inflammatory, meaning it will help the skin fight against inflammation, making the pimple less visible. Let the aspirin paste fight the pimple overnight.

Astringents are agents that cause the skin to contract or get smaller. Some pharmaceutical astringents contain antimicrobial ingredients that will help fight the pimple in addition to reducing the size of the pimple. Here are some astringents to consider using:
  • Store bought astringents. These come in different types and sizes. Look for one that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Ask for astringents that are gentle on the skin.
  • Natural astringents may also work in a pinch. They include:
    • Lemon juice. The citric acid here kills the bacteria that cause acne and act as a skin-tightener. Many people swear by it. Slice a lemon and gently rub it over the affected area.
    • Banana peel. Banana peels are helpful in treating insect and mosquito bites, and may be helpful in reducing the size of some pimples. Gently rub the banana peel over the affected area.
    • Witch hazel. Another great astringent with a ton of applications. Look for witch hazel that doesn't contain alcohol. Apply a small bit over affected area and let dry.
    • Green tea. Green tea is an astringent that's packed with lots of antioxidants, which help reduce signs of aging by fighting free radicals. Steep a tea bag in some hot water, remove the tea bag along with all the liquid, and place onto affected area briefly.

Rub an ice cube over the acne on your face until the area goes numb. When your face goes numb, stop; leave your face alone until it's warm again.
  • As mentioned above, ice will help diminish the size of the pores by constricting the blood vessels underneath the skin. If your acne is painful, it should help ease the pain.
  • If you have a lot of acne, work in sections. When one section goes numb, move to the next section.
  • Repeat this process around your face.

Eye drops, at least the ones that reduce redness in the eyes, can be helpful in reducing redness and signs of irritation in acne. Drop a few eye-drops onto a Q-Tip and apply as necessary onto the pimple(s).
  • Because cold also helps reduce inflammation in acne, place the Q-Tip soaked in eye-drops into the freezer for an hour before applying. The cold Q-Tip will soothe as it reduces inflammation

Antihistamines suppress the swelling effect in the skin tissue of people. Most of these remedies can be ingested in pill form, but some can be consumed as tea or used as a topical agent. These should offer a reduction in redness. Natural herbal antihistamines include:
  • Stinging nettle. This may sound weird, because touching nettles in the wild can produce a rash not unlike small pimples. Some doctors, however, recommend taking a freeze-dried preparation of stinging nettle, which is known for its ability to reduce the amount of histamine the body produces.
  • Coldsfoot may be effective as a natural antihistamine. Europeans have a long history of using the plant to cure skin conditions. The leaves can either be ground up into a paste or coldsfoot extract can be ingested in pill form.
  • Basil may also work as a natural antihistamine. Heat a couple sprigs of basil leaves up under some steam and apply gently to the hives. Basil may help reassure the body that the foreign agent causing the hives is not something it should be fighting.

There are antibiotics and other oral acne medications that can target infected skin and clear it up very fast.

Source: wikihow

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